天使たちの午後Collection2 (Chinese)

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🛈 Tips: In the browser, the CPU performance 5 years ago can run at 486 66dx's performance, and the CPU 2 years ago can reach Pentium 100 performance.
天使たちの午後Collection2 (Chinese) (1995)
天使たちの午後Collection2 (Chinese)
Tenshitachi no Gogo is an adult-themed adventure game released by JAST. Set in a Japanese high school, the goal of the game is to seduce Yumiko Shiraishi (白石 由美子), the star of the tennis club. To seduce her, the protagonist will have to become acquainted and intimate with her friends by talking to them. The gameplay is simple; the player interacts with the environment by typing in commands in Japanese or choosing commands from the list using the arrow keys.